Friday, May 20, 2011

My wedding coordinator what???

I definitely had a bridezilla moment yesterday. I was trying to get in touch with the wedding coordinator at the venue where the wedding is taking place via e-mail when I got a response that said something along the lines of...I'm so sorry Wendy, I left there over a month ago. I'm surprised no one has reached out to you yet.'re surprised! Well, panic stricken is not even the word to use of what came over me. We just loved the woman in charge of all our wedding details. So I call them and of course the person now in charge is in a meeting and will have to call me back. So I stare at the phone for only about a half hour before the call back comes. I'm sure I sounded very stressed when I first started speaking to him but I have to say he was very nice and apologetic about everything. He seems to be bending over backwards to try to make things right which I appreciate and we are going in about two weeks from now to go over the details. I guess these things happen but it was a big disappointment to me. I'm sure the people in charge now will be fine and everything will be just as I imagined it. I was just somewhat shocked that I wasn't told and sorry I had to find out in the way I did. Now I know why they say brides have so much stress! Did anything like this happen to you while preparing for your wedding? If so...did you turn in to bridezilla like me (albeit for a short time) or did you just roll with it?


  1. The exact same thing happened when I was planning my wedding. I had booked the hall about a year in advance and was working with one guy. He was so great and he knew everything that I was looking for. About three weeks before the wedding I was putting a call in to their office and wasn't getting through. Finally I got word the gentleman that I was dealing with was no longer there and the same thing the new person was in a meeting. I wanted to choke someone!!! But in the end everything went off smoothly. Not a single problem, and the new person was right on top of everything.

    Wish you all the best love your show!

  2. I too had my wedding coordinator leave just before my event but have to say, she made SURE she was there to handle my event since she booked me. Must say I was very pleased the hall allowed her to do it! My reception had tons going on and really (for my piece of mind) needed her mastery of timing. Good luck, I'm sure it will be wonderful.

  3. The coordinator at my venue left too! I totally freaked out but then I met her replacement and was thrilled. The replacement was SO much better than the original person!! The new person was AMAZING and I can't even imagine having done it without her. It worked out for the best and luckily the switch was done well in advance of our wedding so it wasn't too stressful.
